WTT Youth Contender in Havířov starts today with U13 and U17 girls categories. The players will compete in five age categories with only singles matches taking place. Because of the covid-19 regulations the tournament is split in two parts. It all begins with girls competition and after a one day break the boys competition will take place.
250 players from 22 nations will take part in the tournament, including 52 from the Czech Republic. In the words of the tournament director Nikolas Endal, the complex of the National training centre could cope with even more participants. But right now the participation of more than 200 players is a success. Hygienic regulations are very strict and all the organizers will abide them. „We have more than 4 000 m² avaliable, so we could afford things that aren’t possible in other tournamnets. There are nine tables in the main hall, including one centercourt. WTT will cover all the matches played on the centercourt on its YouTube channel. Next twenty-two practice tables are in the second hall,“ explains Nikolas Endal.
The tournament begins with U17 girls competition. The first seed is a Russian Vlada Voronina, who won the last U19 tournament in Tunis. Her biggest rival should be the two-time-champion of Europe U15 competition Elena Zaharia. The biggest Czech promise is Helena Sommerová, who is the 11th seed.
The first day of the tournament starts with U13 girls competition. In this category there are 16 players, including 6 Czech players with Veronika Poláková being the highest seed among them.
You can find complete information about the tournament HERE